Age of Wushu Wiki

Guild Creation

1.) Once you join a school and complete the Guild Guide quests, you are eligible to create a Guild.
2.) Find the Guild Administrator in your school or one of the major cities (Chengdu, Suzhou, Luoyang, Jinling).
3.) Talk to the Administrator, select the option Creating a Guild. Then it will pop up a dialog box. Input a legal guild name and click "Confirm". Creating a Guild costs 300 liang silver.
4.) The newly created Guild isn't a formal Guild. In order to become a formal Guild, it has to be responded to by four people. If there are not enough people to respond within three days, the informal Guild will be compulsorily dismissed.

Recruitment and Response

1.) Respondents must be free from Novice Protection and have joined a school.
2.) The Main Guild Leader can right click a player's Image Photo to invite them to respond.
3.) The Main Guild Leader can also recruit disciples by right clicking the player's name in the Chatting Channel.
4.) In the Guild Disciple Interface, the Main Guild Leader can click the Recruit Disciples Button at the right bottom corner to input a recruit's name.
5.) Players can talk to the Guild Administrator in their school or one of the major cities to select Join/Respond to a Guild. In the Respond List, you can select the Guild which you want to respond to and click "Respond" at the bottom-right corner. More to come on Guild advancement, but this should at least keep you all from disintegrating.

  • Be aware that the Guild Search and Respond tabs are separate systems at the Guild Administrator. Be sure that you have sufficient Respondents, not just "Joiners," for lack of a better term at the moment.

Some additional info on Guild development:

Guild Upgrades

1.) When a Guild's Popularity Value reaches 1600 and the Guild Fund reaches 1 ding silver, the Main Guild Leader can talk to a Guild Administrator and click the Upgrade option to upgrade to Level Two;
2.) When a Guild's Popularity Value reaches 7500 and the Guild Fund reaches 5 ding silver, the Main Guild Leader can upgrade the Guild to Level Three;
3.) When a Guild's Popularity Value reaches 37550 and the Guild Fund reaches 20 ding silver, the Main Guild Leader can upgrade the Guild to Level Four;
4.) When Guild Popularity Value reaches 160000 and the Guild Fund reaches 60 ding Silver, the Main Guild Leader can upgrade the Guild to Level Five.
5.) The more Guild disciples there are and the longer they are online, the faster Guild Popularity Value will accumulate.
6.) To contribute to the Guild Fund, open the Guild Interface and select Guild Option, then click Contribute at the bottom-right.
7.) The Guild Fund and Guild Popularity Value decay slightly every day. When it decays too much, the guild will downgrade.

Guild Domains and Upgrades

1.) When the Guild Level is at least Level Two, the Guild Main Leader can talk to the Guild Administrator and select the option Buy the Guild Domain on the second page. Click the name of the domain on the map, then click the button "Race to Control" at the bottom-right corner of the popup Interface and click "Race to Control" in the Buy the Domain Interface, then click Confirm. Purchasing a Guild Domain costs One Hundred liang Silver
2.) After buying the Guild Domain, Leader can talk to the Guild Administrator to upgrade. The steps are the same as Buying the Guild Domain. The Guild Domain can be expanded twice. Upgrade one costs 500 liang personal silver, and upgrade two costs 500 liang personal silver.

  • The Guild must have at least five (5) members, one being the Main Leader, the other four (4) being Respondents. A Guild without these fundamental members will fall into decay and eventually cease to be, its metabolic processes being a matter of interest only to historians.