Lightness Skills

The Flying Skills are mobility abilities that allow the user to jump in mid-air, scale walls, run across water, etc. to let them explore more of the landscapes, to improve event performance, and to use in combat to dodge and approach enemies.

Types of Flying Skills[]


The Basic Flying Skills can be learned by reading Flying Skill Scripts. When used, the Basic Flying Skills consume Flying Points (FP).

Skill Effects Obtaining FP
Skyward Feint Step Script
Feint Step
Pressing SPACE while in midair allows the user to perform a double jump. Tutorial 14
Whirlwind Step Script
Whirlwind Step
Pressing SPACE in midair after a double jump enables the user to perform a triple jump. Wanderer's Gift Pack 15
Jump Across the Cloud Script
Jump Across
the Cloud
Double-clicking a directional key (W, A, S, or D) while in midair triggers an air dash.
Increases Evasion during use.
Wanderer's Gift Pack 15
Lightweight Skill Script
Permanently increases movement speed. NPC Exchange 0
Lightweight Skill Script
Holding SPACE while in midair reduces the user's falling speed. 7 Forbidden Instances 10/s
Speed Up Without Trace Script
Speed Up
Without Trace
Holding SHIFT increases the user's movement speed. VIP Random Encounter 10/s
Move On Water Script
Move on Water
Holding SHIFT and a directional key while on the water's surface enables the user to run across it. 6 Forbidden Instances 10/s
Water-Clicking Jump
Clicking Jump
Pressing SPACE upon landing on the water's surface allows the user to jump off it. 2 Forbidden Instances 12
Wild Goose Script
Wild Goose
Flying Skill
Pressing CTRL while holding a directional key enables the user to perform a dash on land.
Increases Evasion during use.
9 Forbidden Instances 13
Step On High Ladder Script
Step On
High Ladder
Holding SHIFT while jumping towards a wall allows the user to run up the wall. 3 Forbidden Instances 10/s
Gecko on the Wall
Gecko on
the Wall
Holding SHIFT while jumping towards a wall at an angle allows the user to run horizontally along the wall. Twilight Village 10/s
Dragon Wheel Script
Dragon Wheel
Pressing SPACE while running up a wall will perform a wall jump. 4 Forbidden Instances 10


The Advanced Flying Skills are upgrades that improve the effects and reduce the FP cost of Flying Skills. Each skill has a maximum level of 5, with each level having its own script, and the levels 2 to 5 need to be cultivated.

Skill Effects Obtaining
Swift Steps
Swift Steps
Each level increases the double-jump distance and reduces its FP cost by 1. 4 Forbidden Instances
Heaven-Reaching Steps
Each level increases the triple-jump distance and reduces its FP cost by 1. 3 Forbidden Instances
Stalk of Reed
A Stalk of Reed
Each level increases the water-jump distance and reduces its FP cost by 1. 4 Forbidden Instances
Chase the Cloud and Follow the Moon
Chase the Cloud
and Follow the Moon
Each level increases the air-dash distance and reduces its FP cost by 1. 4 Forbidden Instances


Members of the Ancient Tomb Sect can learn the Dual Flying Skill, allowing them to temporarily grab and carry another player while using Basic Flying Skills.

Skill Effects Obtaining FP
Light Cloud Step Ancient Tomb Sect

High Level[]

The High Level Flying Skills are out-of-combat Flying Skills that can only be used in Windrider state. When learned, the player gains access to multiple movement abilities. The player can learn all the High Level Flying Skills, but only one can be active at a time. The main distinctions between the skills are cosmetic, with each offering unique animations and visual effects.

When used, the High Level Flying Skills consume High Level Flying Points.

The dynamic camera shots of the Flying Skills can be toggled off at Interface Settings → Camera → @ui_hw_sys_shot_gqxg

Ability Effects HL FP
High Leap In Windrider state, replaces Skyward Feint Step with a 18-meter jump. 25
Air Dash 1 Press SPACE after High Leap to perform an air dash. 25
Air Dash 2 Press SPACE after Air Dash 1 to perform an air dash. 25
Air Dash 3 Press SPACE after Air Dash 2 to perform an air dash. 25
Gliding Activates automatically after air dash. 5/s
Quick Landing Press ALT in midair to descend vertically toward the ground. 15

Flying Points[]

Flying Point bars

Overhead Flying Point bars.

There are two types of Flying Points:

  • Standard Flying Points (light-blue bar), used for Basic and Dual Flying Skills.
  • High-Level Flying Points (purple bar), used for High-Level Flying Skills.

Players can enable the permanent display of the point bars above their character by navigating to Interface Options → Overhead Info.


The standard Flying Points are used by both Basic and Dual Flying Skills. The player's maximum Flying Points can be increased through Jade Dolls and Treasures.

Flying Points recover passively over time. The Dragon-Subduing Inner Skill (tier 3 Internal Skill of the Beggar's Sect) increases Flying Point recovery during Sit and Breathe by 7. Certain pets can also enhance the recovery rate by 5 or 10 when using the Sit and Breathe skill.

Additionally, the Secret Syrup of Jade Bee is a consumable item that instantly restores all Flying Points. The Eastern Seas Skill Windy Sea Travel also regenerates Flying Points while the Flying Skill Move On Water is active.

High Level[]

The High Level Flying Points are only used by the High Level Flying Skills. The player's maximum value can only be increased by learning and cultivating Secret - Soar in the Clouds to a higher level.

Players recover High Level Flying Points passively. Secret - Soar in the Clouds enables the player to recover High Level FP while using Sit and Breathe.

Skill Effects Obtaining
Secret - Soar in the Clouds
Secret - Soar
in the Clouds
Enables High Level FP recovery during Sit and Breathe, and increases the user's maximum High Level FP.