
In Age of Wushu, a school is an institution that teaches its members Internal Skills and Martial Arts Skill Sets. There are different types of schools: the Great Schools, Reclusive Factions, and Factions. A character can only be a member of one school at a time. Some of the schools will only accept female or male players exclusively. Characters who aren't active members of any school are called Vagrants.

In the game's beginner quest, players will be guided to join one of the Great Schools. It is possible, although more difficult, to directly join a Faction or a Reclusive Faction without joining a Great School first.

Types of Schools[]

Great School[]

The Great Schools are the largest schools and offer the most content. Each Great School teaches 6 Internal Skills, 5 Martial Arts Skill Sets, and a Meridian. Each Great School has approximately 10 different identity outfits. Members can leave by betrayal, training away, or in disguise.

School Primary Stat Martial Arts Damage
Internal Skills Meridian
(male only)
Brawn Tankiness Barehanded External
Staff (3) External
Wudang Breath Internal Damage Twin Swords External
Single Sword Yin
Yin, Yang, External
Barehanded Yin, Yang
(female only)
Breath Energy Barehanded Soft
Dagger Yin, Soft
Twin Daggers External
Single Sword Soft
Beggar's Sect Brawn Internal Damage Quarterstaff (3) External
Barehanded Yang
Scholars Breath Internal Damage Single Sword External
Twin Swords Soft
Barehanded Yin
Tangmen Brawn External Damage Dagger (2) External
Darts External
Dagger, Bullet External
Dagger, Darts External, Yin
Royal Guards Brawn External Damage Rope (2) External
Single Blade External
Barehanded Hard
Wanderer's Valley Breath Internal Damage Barehanded Yang
Twin Daggers External
Twin Blades Hard
Single Sword Yin
Tianshan Sect Breath Internal Damage Twin Sword Soft
Single Sword External
Barehanded Yang
Ming Cult Brawn Tankiness Single Blade Yang
Dagger External
U, Arrow (2) External
Staff External
Kunlun Sect Breath Tankiness Barehanded External
Twin Swords External
Musician (2) Soft
Brush Soft

Reclusive Faction[]

The Reclusive Factions (also known as Subsects) are smaller schools, and each one is associated with one of the Great Schools. The Reclusive Faction have entry requirements that must be met in order to join. Members of a Great School can complete a short quest to Train Away at their school's affiliated Reclusive Faction. When joining a Reclusive Faction through the questline, the entry requirements are more lenient.

The Reclusive Factions teach 2 Internal Skills and 2 Martial Arts Skill Sets, and have 6 identity outfits. Their 2nd-tier Internal Skills are needed to unlock Reverse Meridians. Members can leave by betrayal or graduation.

Reclusive Faction Affiliation Primary Stat Martial Arts Damage
2nd Internal Skill
Dharma Sect
(male only)
Shaolin Brawn Barehanded External
Ancient Tomb Sect Wudang Breath Single Sword Yin
Twin Swords Soft
Divine Water Palace
(female only)
Emei Breath Barehanded Soft
Twin Daggers Yin
Changfeng Escort Agency Beggar's Sect Brawn Staff (2) External
Mount Hua Sect Scholars Breath Single Sword Soft
Nianluo Dam Tangmen Brawn Barehanded External
Dagger, Darts External
Blood Blade Clan Royal Guards Brawn Twin Blades Hard
Single Blade External
Five Immortals Sect Wanderer's Valley Breath Barehanded Yin
Twin Daggers Soft
Starry Pavilion Tianshan Sect Breath Twin Swords Soft
Single Sword External
Shenji Camp Ming Cult Brawn Single Blade External
Tianya Pavilion Kunlun Sect Breath Brush Yin
Musician Yin


The Factions are the smallest available schools. Golden Needle Sect and Xu Family Manor are easy to join. Villa of Beasts is slightly more difficult to join as it requires the player to own a pet. Palace of Shifting Flowers, Peach Blossom Island, and Rootless Clan are known as Secret Factions and are hard to join.

Each Faction teaches 1 Internal Skill and 1 Martial Arts Skill Set. Members can leave by betrayal or graduation.

Faction Primary Stat Martial Arts Damage
Internal Skill
Golden Needle Sect Brawn Needle External
Villa of Beasts Brawn Barehanded External
Xu Family Manor Brawn Ruler (Dagger) Hard
Breath Barehanded Soft
Peach Blossom Island Breath Flute (Single Sword) Soft
Rootless Clan
(male only)
Brawn Single Sword Yin

School Activities[]

School activities are various PvP events that school members can partake in. Some school activities are unavailable to certain types of schools. Members of a Great School cannot steal scripts from their own school. Members of a Reclusive Faction cannot steal scripts from their affiliated Great School.

Event Great School Disciple Reclusive Faction Disciple Faction Disciple
School Spying
School Patrolling
Script Stealing
Script Protecting
School Tournament
School War

Leaving a School[]

Players have the option to leave their school, allowing them to join a different school. There are three departure options and the difficulty and consequences of the methods are varied.

After leaving their school, the player cannot rejoin the same school for 24 days. The 24-day penalty does not apply to members of a Great School who leave to join their affiliated Reclusive Faction.

Train Away[]

Members of a Great School can apply for permission to train away, allowing them to join a Reclusive Faction or a Faction while remaining attached to their original school. Players cannot join another Great School while training away.

After completing the quest to train away, the school's titles will be temporarily lost, the school's Internal Skills will become capped at level 30, and the Martial Arts Skills will become capped at level 4 until the player returns to their Great School.


Members of any school can complete a short questline to betray their school. Betrayal will cause all of the school-specific Internal Skills, Martial Arts Skills, and Random Skills to be deleted from the character.

After betraying and entering a new school, the player can regain their lost Cultivation Points at Xiao Meili in Suzhou (507,-463).


Members of a Great School can leave their school disguised, allowing them to join a Reclusive Faction or a Faction while remaining attached to their original school and retaining the full power of the Great School's Internal Skills and Martial Arts Skills. To leave a school disguised, the player must collect a long list of items. Players cannot join another Great School while disguised.

Disguised players will lose their school-specific identity outfits and titles.


Graduation is available in Factions and Reclusive Factions. It allows players to leave without losing their learned Internal Skills and Martial Arts Skills. The player will only lose their Random Skills.
